The Legacy of the Three Marys by Daniel Meurois Interview with Sacrée Planète Magazine Part Four

The crucifixion and the resurrection

The Legacy of the Three Marys

13_ Through the reading of "The Way of the Essenes", we had already been able to access another level of understanding of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection. With “The Legacy of the Three Marys”, we make another incredible leap by penetrating further into these great "mysteries"...maybe to the limits of human consciousness. Is this further approach possible because of the current evolution of consciousness and is it all part of the transition of our world to another dimension of consciousness?

First of all the individual consciousness—its opening to new concepts—is the one who is involved in the change of our world to another dimension. Many things that were inconceivable, incomprehensible or inadmissible only a few decades ago are now becoming much more conceivable and even credible because of the sowing of seeds in the depths of the collective consciousness of our Humanity during the past millennia. The work of the Masters of Wisdom and of their disciples has always been oriented towards the evolution of the soul. However, it is necessary to know that another factor acts very actively in this dynamic of opening of consciousnesses. It is a factor whose origin does not depend at all on the work of the human being on himself since it is of cosmic essence.

Our galactic and solar systems as well as our planet itself are in constant evolution and conform to cycles, just like us and our societies. They change without our knowledge according to inhaling and exhaling rhythms, from an Intelligence...which is totally beyond us.

The Universe and Us

How can we not understand then that the mutations that this generates on a cosmic level will lead to similar changes in each of us on Earth? These mutations invite us at least to an important metamorphosis which will take place with or without our agreement because we are far from being the center of the universe!. It is from the refusal of these mutations that many of the disorders from which many of our fellow human beings suffer are born. These disorders are mainly psychological, and at the root of a multitude of health problems, even serious illnesses, even if we should not systematize everything.

In more "esoteric" terms, I would say that the natural “ether-ization” of our planet greatly pushes consciousnesses to move and to get rid of their "mental rust". The problem is that many of us do not feel the necessity and the urgency of a movement and our responsibility in the process of evolution.

 14_ Your book also reveals in the background the great Plan of the Divine put in place by the incarnation of Jesus. Wouldn't his understanding open doors still closed in human consciousness?

Of course! One cannot understand the decisive importance of the incarnation of Christ in the person of Jesus without taking a step up, i.e., without having the slightest idea of what is this "program of opening of consciousness" which is called "Divine Plan".

The whole of the Judeo-Christian tradition has always led us to believe that what is called "Revelation", i.e., the manifestation and expression of the divine Truth on Earth, was definitive and could only take one form. This is an aberration. The more one matures in consciousness, the less one is enslaved to a creed and the more one realizes that this Revelation is on the contrary progressive. It progresses, it develops according to what we humans are able to assimilate, in other words according to the depth and extent of the new concepts that we are able to accept and make grow in our mental and heart space.

If one does not speak -in principle- of trigonometry to a five-year-old child, one does not speak either of "divine cosmic plan" to a "people of souls" who has not yet developed the inner tools to understand what this means. The metaphysical approach of the universe is different from its spiritual approach, nevertheless the more one progresses in inner openness, the more they come closer until they merge. The expansion of consciousness that we talk about so much today implies such a reality. In computer terms, the time has come to install in us another software of understanding of Life.

We must admit that before Master Jesus, the Christic Force had already visited our humanity several times and that after him, in the future that awaits our world, this Force will reappear again in order to push the realization of the Divine Plan a little further. What is the Divine Plan? It aims at the expansion, at the complete blossoming of the Spirit within the present wave of Life or of the present Creation, if one prefers... This means that there have been other Creations before ours and that there will be others with which our Quintessence will be called to participate. But that is another story... Let us concentrate for the moment on the challenge of growth that is presently ours.

 15_ Can you tell us about the subtle function of the Crucifixion in relation to the karma of humanity? The Church affirms that Jesus died for the remission of our sins...Could this actually hide another reality?

The Church tells us that the Crucifixion was for "the remission of our sins". If I may say so, this is a bit of a flimsy and cryptic explanation. In fact, it explains nothing at all “His son" to consent to save humanity. We must be coherent... if God is God and he is all Love, he does not need blood! One can clearly see in this explanation the residues of a belief proper to the cults of the old tribal deities. We also notice that two millennia have been more than necessary for a growing number of women and men to start asking questions and then to want or need to see further, and to cry out for the urgency of another perception of the Christ Mission on Earth. In fact, to approach what happened and why it happened, we must turn to the concept of "energy problem", more precisely to the mechanism that generates egregores.

An egregore, let's remember, is a kind of gigantic collective thought-form generated over the millennia, or even more, by a culture, by a whole people. It goes without saying that the population living on a planet produces in its development, from generation to generation, a large number of egregores, thus of "energy reservoirs". However, a reservoir is not only intended to collect. Its nature always pushes it to pour out at a given moment what it has collected.

There is obviously no problem when it is full of beautiful and good things like, for example, generosity or compassion. The difficulty arises when its content is toxic. I am talking about egregores formed and nourished by thoughts of violence, hatred, greed etc...

They produce real energetic clusters which, with the millennia accumulating, block the advance of a people or an entire humanity by creating a real leaden cap in the aura of its host planet which, finally, places the souls in an evolutionary deadlock. At the time of Christ's incarnation in the person of Jesus, earthly humanity was in this situation. The egregores it had produced since the sinking of Atlantis in the waters of the Flood made its progression impossible; the collective level of consciousness of the earth's populations was blocked at a certain point, suffering from a kind of asphyxia. To allow the right unfolding of the Cosmic Plan of Evolution, the mission of the Christ was to create the circumstances of a gigantic energetic discharge in order to dissolve the energy mass of toxic egregores suffocating the Earth and its population.

To do this, an event was needed involving all levels of earthly life, from its cells to its most subtle reality, or, if we prefer, from the Flesh to the Spirit.

Candle Light

The Crucifixion was the tool, here is how: It is easy to understand that, on the cellular level, the body of the Master Jesus was of a vibratory level that made it a kind of "bomb of Light". When Christ's consciousness suddenly and brutally released itself - as if under pressure - at the end of the ordeal of the Cross, it created an incredible energetic discharge whose first function was to cleanse the etheric zone of our planet polluted by the toxicity of the miasmas coming from our humanity.

When we are told, in a second phase, that Christ "went down to Hell" just after his "death", it is an allusion to the energy work he then performed on the Earth's higher vibrational bodies and in the heart of the collective consciousness of its population. The "remission of sins" is all of this at once; the fuzzy and guilt-ridden way of the cleansing or alleviation of our collective karma as it was achieved by Christ... Which ultimate goal was to make our advancement possible again. His work was not on the level of each of us as an individual but rather on the collective level, i.e., the "group-soul" of our Humanity.

As for our individual karmic baggage, it has always remained our responsibility...and it will remain so because no Christ and no Master of Wisdom will do our homework for us.

This is why it is written in the Gnostic text of "The Secret Book of James": "No one will enter the Kingdom of Heaven at my request...only because you will be full of God." This means in other words: “Your soul will be liberated when you have done what it takes to be filled with Divine Light, not because I, Christ, opened the Celestial Gates for you."

This is a fundamental truth that cannot be ignored. It is also one of the major teachings around which The Legacy of the Three Marys is built through the recounting of the initiatory trials of each of the three women-disciples.

© 2022 Daniel Meurois

Next of this final part of this interview : The journey of the soul and its incarnation being released in February 2023


The Legacy of the Three Marys by Daniel Meurois Interview with Sacrée Planète Magazine Final Part


The Legacy of the Three Marys by Daniel Meurois Interview with Sacrée Planète Magazine Part Three