The Legacy of the Three Marys by Daniel Meurois Interview with Sacrée Planète Magazine Part Three
Jesus’ way of teaching
9_ The Legacy of the Three Marys reveal a still unknown aspect of Jesus' teaching. In reading your book, it seems clear that he sought to reach the feminine sensibility of the being. Can you tell us about Jesus’ way of teaching he had individually by touching the intimacy of the heart of the person? Was it only for his disciples and relatives? Yes, on many occasions, even more specifically than in other readings of the Akashic Records, I have noticed how many levels there are in the teaching of Master Jesus. The only one, or almost the only one, that the Canonical Writings transmit that Jesus spoke in parables. We must say that many of the official apostles only had access to the parable level. It is beautiful in itself, but it reveals only the most superficial level of His Word, the one that was "digestible" by everyone, a level of teaching that did not appeal particularly to the feminine sensibility discussed here.
It was necessary to enter a second or even a third circle of close disciples to see the feminine, intuitive tone of what Christ wanted to communicate. It goes without saying that such circles were extremely small and informal. They dealt with the secrets of the depths of the human being, his intimate side, his subtle functioning. In today's terms, they talked about energies, cellular memories, chakras and egregores. The practice of Tantrism could also be part of it, if necessary, as the highly initiatory memories of Salome and Myriam (Mary Magdalene) testify.
These aspects of Christ's teaching are incredibly rich because, through the abandonment of all the stiffness of consciousness and the body that they required, the ego ended up dropping its masks, recognizing its fragility and, beyond that, discovering its incredible potential for ascension. We see here that this way of doing things had nothing in common with the study and application of the very patriarchal laws that are the basis of Judaism.
At the feminine level of his teaching, Jesus observed a much greater capacity to accept his Word among women than among men...even if, obviously, there were some among them who were more receptive than others to this type of understanding and initiation. In any case, it is indeed to the feminine part of humanity - a part present in both sexes - that he sought above all to address. He left his impact on the collective soul of humanity, knowing perfectly well that this collective soul could only begin to express itself two millennia later. Here we are, and that is why we can finally talk about it freely today...without going to the stake!
10_ The feminine specificity of Jesus' teaching seems really "out of step" with his time. Isn't this one of the reasons for the establishment of a very male Church? Wasn't the great Plan sowing the seeds of his Word to find them today? Religion and, in general, the search for contact with the Divine were considered a "man's business" at the time of Christ. This is evident in the texts that make up the Old Testament. The Christian Church that remains today has only perpetuated this state of affairs.
The four Gospels of the New Testament, that serve as an absolute reference were always of male signature and perpetuate a patriarchal power. However, this one is crumbling year after year and is devitalizing; it is undeniable and it is a sign of the times that encourages us to understand that things must change.
When a seed is sown, whether it is Christ or any Master of Wisdom, it conforms to the laws of Nature... Its seeder knows that it will have to rot in the earth in the dark - symbolically and concretely - before producing a sprout whose destiny will be, after a long silent wait, to emerge in the light of the sun. In other words, the most precious of the Christ teachings, its quintessence, needed, in order to reveal itself, to mature in secret in the collective unconscious of our humanity.
The discovery and publication of the Gnostic Writings of Nag Hammadi, in Egyptian soil, is one of the "coincidences" whose function is to participate in what I call the recognition of "Christ Consciousness". The testimony that constitutes The Legacy of the Three Marys also goes in this direction. It is more Christic than Christian in the sense in which this term is generally understood.
11_ Did Jesus really teach: "Our Father who art in Heaven..." or did the translation later distort his words? This prayer was never composed by Jesus. He recited and commented on it many times, but it was already known to the people. Honest theologians do not contradict this fact. It is a text whose origin is probably lost in the Night of Time, but which can already be traced in the Canaanite religion. The Canaanites are the people who lived in the territory of ancient Palestine before the arrival of the Hebrews. Exactly the same thing happened with the famous sermon on the Mount of Beatitudes ("Blessed are the poor..."). This text is also of Canaanite origin. By recalling it to the crowd that was listening to it, Christ undoubtedly gave it a strength that it never had and consequently he immortalized it. This also shows us that he did not try to break with the faith of his time in every way, but that he kept the best of it because it was universal. However, as I have testified in my book The Premier Teachings of the Christ, he improvised before some of his closed disciples an "Our Mother" on the basis of the traditional "Our Father".
This had no other purpose than to make people understand that the omnipresent Divine Force to which he would refer was the Completeness itself, that it encompassed both the feminine and the masculine. This way of conceiving, receiving and then presenting the Divine was absolutely revolutionary in the patriarchal context in which he taught. We can think that this is why this prayer was immediately discarded and that we only find traces of it in the Akashic Records.
“Our Mother” Prayer by Christ:
Divine Mother,
You who welcomes us on earth as in Heaven,
May your Presence dwell in our souls,
May your Light take shape in us,
And thus, may your Breath purify all things in the unity of the worlds,
Make us aware of our shortcomings,
And give us the strength to reach out to those who stumble,
Give us discernment,
And enfold us in the Sun of Your Love for it is the only Home.
12_ Jesus performed many miracles. It seems that they were better received in his time than today. Nowadays, the incarnated Masters who have often materialized various objects or substances, such as Vibhuti, as well as performed spectacular healings are generally considered as charlatans by our contemporaries. What is the main reason for this rejection? There are several reasons for this. I would say that the first one is the weakening of faith and the forgetting of the Sacred that is hidden behind what we call life. In other words, it is the disconnection from the divine origin of our beings and the whole of Creation. From the moment when the Divine no longer exists or is relegated to the background of consciousness, we logically come to doubt the existence of laws that exceed human understanding.
The advent of the all-powerful Science was obviously the origin of this distancing from the Divine. By letting us believe that it would progressively be able to explain everything and then practically to reproduce everything, the Scientific Authority dethroned in the collective thought this Force that we call God... proof that the men and women that we are recited a kind of catechism or credo that was most of the time not based on any real inner experience. The clergy had taught us one lesson...until another form of power emerged and taught us another. Today, the refusal by many to accept the authenticity of miracles can also be understood by the fact that the art of illusion has developed considerably as a result of scientific research, especially in physics. The reaction is logical: if someone is able to cheat so well for a public show, why shouldn't those who are considered to be great Seers also cheat?
In parallel to this reaction of rejection, which is perhaps understandable in the face of scientific prowess, I am surprised that those who claim to be rational are not rational to the core by turning to Quantum Physics. This branch of Physics has indeed started to build a bridge between the apparently opposite shores of Spirit and Matter. It allows a different approach to the very subtle laws of the Universe by firmly establishing the principle of Its holographic nature and by affirming, mathematically speaking, the plurality of worlds and the multidimensionality of the Universe.
The Masters who have the ability to perform wonders have never hidden that they owe their gift to an intimate knowledge of the laws governing Nature. This knowledge and its application do not come from studies but are the logical consequence of their "vibratory level", in other words of the feeling of non-separability that they experience with the Divine. This non-separability has a name in Sanskrit, it is the state of Advaita.
This being said, the current mistrust or rejection of what is called miracle is essentially proper to our West plunged in an unbridled materialism and, it must be said, a certain arrogance. Go to Africa, India, the Himalayas, and many Asian countries...Their view of the miracle is highly respected. For them, the reality of the miracle is not in doubt and fits perfectly into life.
© 2022 Daniel Meurois