Wandering Souls after Death: prison and liberation by Marie Johanne Croteau-Meurois
“It is not written that we must ask to receive? We are the entrance door to an infinity of dwelling places. So why not use our lives to do everything in order to obtain the keys? If we want to liberate ourselves, I think it is first necessary to learn how to distinguish the nature of the bars of our prison” Daniel Meurois
In this blog, I am sharing an excerpt of my book Souls who leave Us_ His Name was Francesco, and further some specific precautions with mirrors.
Francesco’s life
A feeling of anger was with him for a very long time. He had a dull wound in him that he could not tame, and the more it hurt him, the more he looked for opportunities to numb it. Was this angry inner revolt a part of his character, or was it simply the result of his genetic history, a kind of inextricable old karmic knot? Francesco was his name, and he was the youngest son of his family of five children (three girls and two boys.
For sure nowadays one’s genetic makeup is often used to explain specific states of “bad feelings”. But it is also like a lock that activates each time you don’t want to acknowledge your “rusty” interior. It easily becomes an anesthetic excuse. Then you find refuge in forgetfulness or denial and amputate part of your potential to be happy.
Sometimes, a person spends a lifetime looking to exit their mental prison by provoking themselves in the face of death— not by attempting suicide necessarily but by constantly pushing themselves into dangerous situations without being fully aware of the dysfunctional words or thoughts affecting the soul.
Francesco’s distress had reached a threshold such that he could not no longer scream out in revolt. It had become that kind of intense inner pain that causes a person to take steps to not feel his own life. His was classic: alcohol and sleeping pills. He excelled in the art of denigrating himself, saying that he was good for nothing, when actually he had incredible potential and the ability to turn everything he touched with gold. But what can say to someone trying to sink? Francesco was a gaping wound. (….)
Luckily, he was married to a wonderful wife and had three children. His family had already suffered a lot because of his excesses. At times, he’d nearly reached the point of violence. His wife always tried to calm him down and to reconcile also after each crisis because she believed in the concept of “second chances” and that she could, in this life, help him overcome his uneasiness. Francesco radiated around me an energetic field of mixed anxieties, fears, and delirium and felt unable to live up what his family expected of him. (…)
Francesco’s last provocation
One evening in August, Francesco was visited by an old friend he hadn’t seen for more than twenty-five years. During his celebratory dinner with plenty of drinks and in presence of his wife and three children, Francesco, always excessive in his behavior, suddenly choked on a big piece of meat. He fell forward onto his plate, causing a huge fright. Francesco’s wife, his friend and one of his sons tried to reanimate him but were unsuccessful. Francesco died.
Helper Souls Role and Guides of the Afterlife
After dying, a soul sometimes remains stuck around the people they love until they are able to resolve issues surrounding their departure. These are souls who, like accident victims, cannot move on. They are usually unable to cope with death and remain wandering around their people. Some accept the extending of a hand, as we have already seen, but others do not. It must then be such a soul’s own decision, their individual journey according to their capacity and their level of consciousness, until they can finally open themselves to the life that awaits them on the Other Side of the Veil.
For Francesco, this was the case. He needed real help and to gain understanding about his sudden death because he was carrying with him a deep anger. So the first thing was to start cleaning after his funeral. As his wife was open to the realities of the Invisible, she invited Tibetan monks, accustomed to that, to “cleanse” the spaces where he had lived.
His loneliness between two words
On my side, notified by his brother, I went out of my body to join Francesco where he was likely waiting. I’d known him casually and found him behind his chair at the end of the table, his back half-turned, his face in profile. I could immediately see his emaciated features, his appearance completely closed. How could he receive what I wanted him to understand? With his beautiful black curl and fragile neck, I felt he was deeply troubled to have this time failed at his favorite game: defying death.
Death had finally won. How could he be surprised about it? He’d called on death constantly often unconsciously, to free him. It finally answered his call. But, like many others, Francesco did not feel dead. I paid him three visits without anything moving. He remained there, in his house or in front of it, contemplating what was left of his life now that he was gone. He seemed to be out of place. During my fourth visit, something finally happened. He had realized what had occurred. Francesco then began a real telepathic dialogue with me. For him, the time to speak came when he suddenly understood that he had to empty himself of a sort of overflow. It was obvious that he had been carrying a burden from infancy that did not belong to him. It was a long story from father to son, from generation to generation, as can happen in many families—a dramatic classic story.
Sufferings easily become like true “relays”—passed from soul to soul in seemingly endless races. It is essential to break such “threads of misfortune” so that those who remain do not perpetuate the patterns again and again, as heirs of the traumas carried by their ancestors. And that was what Francesco had perhaps finally understood, in his loneliness between two words.
It seems to me that he began to integrate it urgently with the desire to adjust his genetic “node”. He quickly told me about his guilt. Evidently, he now wished to break the pattern so that his children would not experience the burden of their family’s baggage, the origins of which were lost in time. Francesco knew that it was important to get rid of it, especially for his eldest son, who was struggling with his departure. It was therefore for the sake of his family that he decided to say things, to tell his story. He knew that nothing in me would judge him.
OK, I am dead
“OK, I am dead,” he said. “OK, I understand. I was told how it is. OK. Look, maybe it is too late now, but I’m going to free myself for my kids. I have to empty my bag. That’s right. They must have told you that my childhood was very difficult. I never wanted to think about it or talk about it, but I suffered a lot because of loneliness and a lack of appreciation for myself. Right or wrong, I felt abandoned early in my life because I had to become responsible like an adult when I was still a young boy. A kid, as I said! I might have liked to study, to go to school longer. I don’t know. But I felt the pressure by the urgency of running away. You know, I do not want to blame my father or my mother. It’s true they did what they could, despite their own suffering and shortcomings. But what they had, what they lived, their memories of war—well, it had all become so unbearable that I wanted to leave the house quickly to roam freely. It was an illusory freedom, that’s for sure. I was not strong enough to face my fears, my insecurities, and I did not see my imbalance. And my father’s life especially, with his endless sufferings, created a big emptiness inside me. I blamed him. I was really mad at him because of the trauma I experienced as a kid. With all this, he marked me for life. I was not able to escape it! So, to hide it, I repeated pieces of his story, his way of being, unwittingly or rather without realizing it myself. My way of being.” Francesco was having trouble continuing. So, I decided to intervene.
“That’s why you were the “tough guy”?”
“For sure”, he answered. “As you said, I created an armor of ‘tough guy’, like ‘untouchable’, because I couldn’t look at myself. It is what it is. I played the one who was always right, with nothing to lose, and especially not afraid of anything. I played the guy who couldn’t express any sadness, which I buried deep within me. I kept these bad feelings so hidden that I eventually couldn’t remember how it had all started. They said that I had bad behaviors, that I drank too much, I can’t tell how much time has passed because there no more days and nights here, but I am sure that it was not a long time ago. I must confess that my inner violence became out of control. I never bit anyone, but I manipulated and I provoked out of habit, and I refused help that was given to me. Do you understand? I was clear for a long time. My rebellion had finally attracted attention. Really, it was a way of testing the affections of my family to keep them under control. I’m not proud of it! Life was unlivable. I was incapable of having real relationships. It ended up creating such a gap between my family, my friends, and me that it hurts all of us. Yes, I played with death—wishing it would come, inviting it, testing it in order to not feel my guilt. I believed I was stronger than death. And now, look at me!”
“You live with an enormous sense of guilt when it comes to your loved ones, don’t you,” I said. “Is this what is blocking you? Are you convinced that you will not be able to go away without asking for their forgiveness?”
Francesco twitched. It was easy to guess which prison he had locked himself in despite his sudden lucidity.
“Asking for their forgiveness? How can I ask for it now? But if there is a way, I wouldn’t want my children and my wife to suffer because of me,” he said. “My life ended so stupidly. I hope at least that it will be able to serve a purpose, that the chain of misfortunes that I reproduced and inflicted will break, that it will make us think, and that it will bring a total cure for my children, my wife, my family. May they place their life under the sign of balance, tenderness, and joy! I do not know! I must stay in their hearts. It’s their love that will allow me to move forward.”
As he took a step forward the Light that had opened to him as a result of his lucidity and his love, Francesco finally turned to me, saying,
“This forgiveness that I’ve whispered about since my death, they didn’t hear it. So, tell them that I didn’t want this. It was not my intention. I regret everything, and they need to know that beyond what happened, I have always loved them.”
Today, Francesco continues towards understanding the vivid injuries hampering his healing and peace. He is also learning to go beyond the idea of “certain liquids” giving the illusion of forgetting. Beyond the time that flows and is measured in this world, there is kind of a secret inner time that is necessary. Of course, Francesco is no longer pacing in front of his house. He left the physical realm to join another dimension that matches the size of his heart. As he expressed it, the love of his people helped him to reconcile with himself. This is what will allow him to dissolve the karmic mechanics of suffering in which he has been caught. Despite the company of his guides, he still lives close to Earth, and he continues the real work of self-liberation. I know he will get there.
Ancient mirrors: prison for wandering souls and portal to the lower astral?
Yes, this is true in some cases. Personally, I always advise not to keep old mirrors in the house, especially those received from ancestors or bought at flea markets. The reflective tin— a door to other worlds, the closest of which is that of the dead— has captured memories. It is better not to open these doors to other dimensions often very hectic. If you like the frame, replace the mirror inside with a new one. In your room or anywhere else in your home, never have a mirror that reflects your bed, door or window. Installing a mirror in your home requires considering several aspects and taking various precautions.
It's well known that mirrors can open up dimensions that are not always very "clear". The power of mirrors comes from the reflecting ether or mirror ether[1] for its ability to store information generated by the physical world. If your memory which connects with the ether is clean, there is nothing to fear. On the contrary, impurity at this level weakens and opens the door to parasites, or even worse...
Precautions with mirrors
In the past, when a person died, it was customary to cover all the mirrors with a black veil to prevent the soul from being trapped forever behind the glass. This tradition still exists in some places.
Unfortunately, sometimes the custom was not respected, which could lead to a haunting. There are many haunted mirrors around the world, the most famous of which is probably the one at Myrtles Plantation. Legend has it that the souls of Sarah and her children, who were poisoned by a maid, are still trapped in the plantation's large mirror. According to custom, on the day of their deaths, all the mirrors had been covered except for one, which had been neglected. Since then, their silhouettes sometimes appear in the mirror and their handprints are visible behind the glass. When these strange marks first appeared, the owners had the glass of the mirror replaced, but, unaffected by the change, the mysterious prints showed up again. Some people think that they are old handprints on the wood behind the mirror, which is sometimes illuminated by light, but others insist that they are the ghostly handprints of Sarah and her two daughters. For the moment, it is not possible to confirm or deny either of these theories.
According to some traditions, no mirror should be hung for 16 months in a room where a person has died. Once this period has elapsed, it is considered safe to place a mirror in the room, as long as it is new. Standing mirrors placed in the same position for a long period of time are more likely than others to become spiritual portals. To get around this problem, mirrors should be moved around the room frequently. A ghost wandering around a house after dark could be captured by a mirror against its will.
As we have seen above, mirrors could contain the wandering souls, and these spirits can sometimes take the form of those who contemplate themselves in them. t is important to take precautions because several entities can use it as a door or a window. Make sure that the mirrors in your house are placed in such a way that they do not reflect the bed or the window in any bedroom
© Marie Johanne Croteau-Meurois
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[1] The Great Book of the Essenian and Egyptian Therapies by Daniel and Marie Johanne Croteau-Meurois