The Akashic Records by Daniel Meurois
The universe is a living being, in its own right, with its laws that self-regulate it, make it renew itself, and expand. If we say "living being," we inevitably say "memory."
The memory of the universe is called the Akashic Records by the Eastern traditions. The book of time—The Akashic Records—forms an immense and almost inconceivable reservoir, a "data bank," as computer scientists would call it, comprising all the past of this universe since the beginning of all time.
There is no mystery, no "miracle" in this, simply a logic to which our intelligence and our openness of consciousness do not yet have full access. Our universe, as we know, is made up of several elements, including earth, water, fire, and air. Ether and Akasha are two others that, even if they have no officially recognized existence, nevertheless play a vital role that future generations will probably highlight. In reality, these two elements pre-exist others. They are the source. The subtle always gives rise to the dense and not the reverse, as we tend to believe. The "I" expressed by our body is not this body but its essence, likewise for the cosmos. What we see of it is only the coarsest layer of what makes our universe.
Thus, the Akasha element conveys in a certain way the divine consciousness through the whole of creation, such as being a fundamental agent of its life and therefore of its memory. Beyond the "life" aspect that the Akasha element communicates to our world by totally impregnating it, we can understand being as a real "sensitive plate" on which all the events that occur at some point in time are inscribed in the universe whatsoever. Therefore, it is a global memory and an absolute fidelity that contains all the individual memories.
In summary, The Akashic Records can be considered a videotaped film. These are the archives of nature. These archives are filled with billions and billions of little "drawers" containing the more "personal" archives of everything that has lived until now.
Needless to say, that one does not penetrate this fabulous database as in the first coming of libraries. This, of course, requires a particular state of being presupposing an absence of egoistic will and, above all, an intention of service. Access to it also presupposes a prior "higher authorization," meaning the agreement or even the request of the forces and consciousnesses which have custody of their threshold.
I say "custody" because any source of knowledge is, by definition, a double-edged sword. We do not "command," as we wish to open the doors of the Akashic memory.
Access to these doors happens for good reasons. They do not obey simple curiosity or a kind of supposedly spiritual tourism but the necessities of evolution by unblocking the collective and individual consciousness on certain specific points.
My personal experience introduced me to access the Akashic memory through what is commonly called astral travel or out-of-body travel. However, out-of-body experience is not the only way to connect to it. It seems that the majority of authentic "sensitives" draw on it in multiple ways.
The goal is to harmonize perfectly with a certain "vibrational frequency," meaning the "key" of the specific Akashic door.
Beyond the diversity of means of access, however, there are only two kinds of possible readings in the memory of the universe: (1) the readings about third parties and (2) the readings about the experiencer himself connected with his deep memory and past lives.
In the first case, the sensitive will perceive scenes neutrally. We can use the word "outside" similar to how one would see the projection of a film on a cinema screen. Certain fine perceptions, namely heat, cold, and odors, may be absent.
In the second case, whoever immerses himself in the memory of the past immerses himself in a more complete way, since he rediscovers a memory of his own. He will not be facing an interior screen but be at the heart of the scene, in the action itself, in the same way as if it were taking place at the moment. All perceptions are restored, including the most unexpected such as touch, perfumes, and so on. Everything is therefore relived with the intensity of the present except for the fact that there is no possible intervention, obviously on the events of the past. The consciousness of the one who sees inhabits his eyes of his past life and "deals with" his emotions, his feelings, in short, what he was and what he perceived. We can easily imagine the disturbing aspect of such an experience that requires good anchoring in everyday life.
After several hundred readings in the Akashic Memory, I now have the intimate conviction that the notion of "past" is totally illusory. I mean that the events happened 2,000, 10,000 or 100,000 years ago are just as “present” as what we live in our present life.
My perception and certainty are impossible to explain rationally in the current state of human concepts. Some avant-garde scientists are asking themselves the same question of this "simultaneity," and their research is beginning to join the knowledge of the mystics.
The realized being who is embryonic in each of us would be at the center of a sort of circle, in an eternal present, and would simultaneously project in all directions. Therefore, in what we call time, fragments of his consciousness would influence each other constantly.
A hypothesis of reflection, which could open up infinite horizons, is certainly less far-fetched than it seems at first glance. Still, I have consistently viewed reading The Akashic Records as a sacred task that can only be undertaken with great respect. What we perceive as "time" is, for sure, closely related to spirit, this dimension of ourselves that calls us inexorably, even if we refuse it.
© Daniel Meurois.