A Sacred Liquid Matrix by Daniel Meurois
Mountain Sunrise
Friends, readers, here are a few lines taken from 108 Words of Christ which may perhaps color our Heaven, our Ocean, and our Inner Peaks differently…
“Our thinking as a modern man who calls himself mature and free has educated us to consider that belief in God is optional in our life. This is not wrong in terms of individual freedom, but a belief is never just a belief…It is based on a set of elements related to the living environment, education, and personality predispositions. Rarely on experimentation. As soon as an experience is lived, we no longer speak of belief but of knowledge since we have experienced a certain type of reality for ourselves.
So it is, par excellence, with the divine Presence. One can formulate all the creeds about It that one wants, that remains little if one does not live the sacred Presence from within. And to live It from within is to breathe It at every moment realizing that It is a kind of liquid matrix in which our whole being is permanently immersed, whether we like it or not.
Such a Presence is like the air we breathe and which we only think about when suffocation lies in wait for us. To live, we must absorb the air, make it our own because its necessity is obvious and does not depend on our choice. Being aware of this makes us better realize the beauty of life.
Likewise, let us orient our mind so that it quickly and consciously infuses the divine Presence into it…or rather so that it realizes the state of communion that this Presence has always offered it. Christ taught His loved ones that there was no need to seek God since, by nature, we were in Him and He in us.
Remembering this marriage to the depths of our hearts was, He said, the key to our liberation. The feeling of closeness is the secret to discover…”
©Daniel Meurois, Les 108 Paroles du Christ, Ed. Le Passe-Monde