ELOHIM and US: An interview of Daniel Meurois for Sacrée Planète magazine Part 1
1- Daniel Meurois, what does Elohim mean exactly?
DM: I believe that all scholars and sincere seekers who are not subject to dogma agree that the term Elohim can be translated essentially in two ways: Those who come from above and those under whose protection we can trust. What is certain, even if we argue these translations, is that it is, in Hebrew, a plural term—a reality which should attract much more attention.
So how do the Churches, which quite readily translate Elohim as "God" come out of this? Quite simply by a spin! Philological theologians have always been very skilled in this area. They simply respond that this is sort of a form of "plural of majesty" given to God and which refers to the multiple aspects in which He manifests Himself. Personally, I think that's a bit of an easy and simplistic explanation. This perception of the Multiple which illustrates and brings back to Unity could, in any case, apply to so-called polytheistic religions like Hinduism, for example…Our Christian West should ask the question!
Be that as it may, not to mention translations, there are far too many human cultures that mention interventions by beings “from above” not to consider the issue seriously and honestly, rather than ironically brush it aside. As for the testimonies of people who, over the ages and more than ever today, describe their contacts with presences from Space, there are so many, and so many that should challenge our humanity. There is of course no doubt that there are deceptions among such testimonies…but don't lies exist in all areas of life, including in the scientific world? To deny from the outset, and on principle, that there is any real contact with beings in Space is, in my opinion, stupidity or bad faith. At a time when scientific breakthroughs have taken colossal leaps, and where space adventure fascinates more than ever, this no longer makes sense.
2- For you who, precisely, for more than forty years, testify to extracorporeal encounters with Elohim, what do these represent? Where do they come from?
DM: They are for me above all friends or, if you prefer, older brothers…in any case the members of a family living…on another “continent of the universe,” in a more mature living space than ours in many ways. When in the 16th century great navigators began to look for a possible new continent, we spoke of terra incognita. The difference between what was happening then and what is reaching out to us today is only that the unknown worlds, which beckon to us, and which more and more allow themselves to be guessed, are outside our vibratory space.
We must therefore consider them on what, by analogy, we could call another "wavelength."It seems to me that this is not so difficult to conceive in a century where we juggle easily, not only with a multitude of television channels, but with increasingly precise notions of virtuality. What we do not yet understand is that the virtual creations that we manage to generate foreshadow new spaces of reality to come. It is the notions of reality and living spaces that need to evolve today. Either way, these will explode in our consciousness if we don't prepare for them.
Coming back to the Elohim, my regular contacts with them lead me to say that they are the inhabitants not only of one world but of several worlds which, since very remote times, regularly visit the Earth in order to play a role in its evolution diagram. Note that when I speak of them, I am careful not to use the term "extra-terrestrial" because it is certain that, for a long time, this one is imbued with a connotation which makes you smile because of the fantastic context in which it was mainly used. Sci-fi literature and movies have so overused it that it is no longer thinkable to pronounce it in the context of true reflection. Behind it, it is not even little green men that we now imagine, but monsters that look like insects! It is always strange to note how ugliness, and everything that worries, fascinates our species when the beauty and the promises of a possible harmony quickly seem to bore it. In this case, with the Elohim, it is indeed a question of harmony…and that is why I want to evoke them regularly in the field which is mine, that of a spirituality without dogma or border, but pegged at the heart of all that is.
The spirituality that the Elohim literally transpire, and try to communicate to us, is indeed an essential spirituality in the primary sense of the word—that is to say, a re-knowledge of our primary essence. Such an approach to spirituality dispenses with the need for religiosity and the slightest dogma. It is in this sense that it can and must touch us today, we who—consciously or not—individually and collectively—are in search of new values and a new breath.
3- On several occasions, you affirmed that a civilization resulting from the planet Venus intervened in the balance and the destiny of the Earth approximately 18 million years ago. According to you, can one assimilate the Elohim to these Venusians?
Planet Venus in front of the Milky Way galaxy and a bright blue star
DM: Absolutely. From my first contact with them, it was clear that their origin was essentially Venusian. I say primarily and not exclusively because the inhabited worlds, even across our galaxy, are extremely numerous.
During a meeting of the American Astronomical Society, which took place in Long Beach, California, in 2013, an expert asserted that the Milky Way—in other words the “region of the universe” in our solar system—is believed to be home to at least 17 billion Earth-like planets. Isn't that significant? This expert, François Fressin, of the Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, was joined on this point by researchers from the University of Berkeley and Hawaii using a different method.
And you will notice that we are only talking about the same tangible universe here as ours! It can make you dizzy…while we are still telling ourselves that the human phenomenon and organized intelligence are the privileges of the Earth. When Space holds so many promises, what then to think of our perception of Time? Ours is, in any case, very relative and I have no reason to think that the figure of 18 million years, announced by the Elohim with whom I am in relation, is fanciful.
According to what was entrusted to me, it seems certain that, in a past which is very distant to us—but which remains recent compared to what one considers to be the age of our universe—our planet was colonized by beings of the Space of various origins, in particular by Pleiadeans, then placed under "Venusian protectorate." The vibratory zone of Shamballa—to which I have testified in a book—is the direct consequence of this protectorate on Earth, the first of its relay zones.
4- Do you think the Elohim are the giants referred to in the Bible (Genesis)?
DM: No, not at all. The giants in question in Genesis—the Hebrew term is Nephilim—are reputed to be the result of the physical union between “terrestrials” and certain Elohim who would have allowed themselves to be trapped, in a way, by the relatively free field of experimentation that our world represented at the time. When the Bible mentions the Nephilim, it describes them as violent and cruel beings whose actions plunged mankind into chaos…hence the famous Flood. In fact, we can consider that these giants were hybrid beings, the fruit of two types of genetics that were difficult to reconcile. In any case, we should not see in them descendants of the Venusians responsible for helping our species in its evolution.
Reading the Akashic Records reveals that our planet has been frequently visited by people from Space who have not all had the same altruistic intentions. The multiple expressions of ego are certainly not unique to our humanity! This is easily understood as soon as one realizes the extent of the phenomenon of life in the whole of Creation. So, let's not fall into a childish Manichaeism by classifying our “visitors” according to two symmetrically opposed camps, that of the good and that of the bad! Any form of intelligence, whatever its home base, is learning and cultivated through countless experiences over time. If the Elohim—under whose protection we have been placed—lovingly work so that we may grow in harmony as much as possible, it is because they themselves have come a long way in their own growth. However, it also does not mean that they have reached the state of perfection that we sometimes attribute to them.
When the term Elohim is translated as "Angel" it is a fundamental error. We must understand that when we manage, as a species and then as individuals, to intervene in the evolutionary scheme of a planet other than our own, it could well be that by this very fact we become the Elohim of the beings that we will find there, and in the genetics of which we will probably intervene for multiple reasons. The idea has already germinated for some time among the most visionary of our aerospace researchers. So, we are not Angels.
5- In fact, would the Elohim have participated in the establishment of our species on Earth or would they have simply intervened in its evolution?
DM: We can speak of both implantation and intervention. The Earth has always been perceived by its visitors as a host planet, a school planet…both for its “guides and teachers,” the Elohim; and for their students, that is to say, us. Thus, our elder brothers were brought to educate us, to guide us according to our origins in the cosmos and certain cosmic cycles, favoring the emergence, or the decline, of such or such civilization with a goal of global balance.
6- You mean that as Earthlings we have several home ports in the Universe?
DM: This is exactly it. There are our multiple differences, racial and others. In a way, we are the object of a bet, that of the possible culture, then of the advent of the harmony…starting from an initial ‘melting-pot.’ It is a bet based on the deployment of love and the will to expand it, against all odds.
Each race, each form of culture, temperament, and specificity, has its place in its time with its opportunities to develop in order to generate a suitable unity for growing itself. It is for these reasons that when researching our distant past, we sometimes come to speak of Lemurian, Atlantean, Hyperborean periods, etc.
These are extremely long-time cycles during which the Elohim had to intervene in different ways on our journey, sending us Guides and sometimes being mistaken. No cycle has been superior to another because each has been an important stage in the growth of our humanity. This is the same work that continues today. It is always interesting to explore the past of our Earth by considering the most enigmatic discoveries that Archeology sometimes offers. Unconventional looks often open many doors because puzzles abound when one is not afraid to leave the marked path and official schools, where thought is, in a way, “predigested.” This undoubtedly helps consciousness to push back its barriers.
However, I have come to relativize the final scope of an endless investigation in this field from the moment when we have already dared to break the classic patterns of the development of life on Earth and the narrowed field of its conventional History. Why? Because there is a trap that our intellect sets for us. It is the quicksand of the mind which gets carried away and lost in excessive inquiries. These bring little or nothing to this Point which, in us, thirsts for truth because of finding peace in our heart.
In truth, our Earth's past, and ours, are extremely complex, in which we can easily get lost without any real benefit to our higher consciousness. If I were to decide, for example, to devote years of my life to studying the exact relationship that Hyperborean civilization had with the world of Shambhalla, or with the energetic gate that represents the Gobi Desert, would I nevertheless grow in myself? What could I also testify to that is useful in our world today?
I mean that all of this is fascinating but that we must know how to put a stop to our bulimia of investigation. Once we have succeeded in breaking down our mental locks, we can consider our link with the Stars as an inescapable and indispensable truth to our development.
To be continued (Part 2 in two weeks)
©Daniel Meurois