ELOHIM and US: An interview of Daniel Meurois for Sacrée Planète magazine Part 2


7- Coming back to the Elohim, do you think they did any genetic manipulation to help us?

DM: It’s the word “manipulation” that bothers me in such a context.

I believe that we should be able to approach the question of genetics without automatically thinking of manipulation.

In any case, this is what our Elohim friends sought to do by attempting to intervene in our genetic code. Their intention was to rid it of memories that we could compare to viruses blocking us at a certain level of consciousness. We were stagnating.

Zen Garden

They like to present themselves as the “Gardeners of the Earth.” It’s a term that I like because it has the notion of care and attention. Obviously, this is gardening in the broad sense of the term because it concerns the human species at all levels of its development in a global planetary context.

It is obviously not simply the biological, physical aspect of the human that is in question, but his harmonious development, body, and soul are also taken into account in their union. The Elohim have understood for a long time that the work on the genetics of an organism should not be conceived as a break with the development of the consciousness which inhabits the concerned body.

To imagine that we should only be concerned with the ¨mechanical¨ aspect of life testifies to the enormous gaps in our perception of things, and in our behaviors, that we will have to fill on Earth in the framework of research into genetics. Indeed, until now, no one, it seems, considers the subtle life form of the soul, which is destined to live in the organism which is being worked on.

The day we understand this, the notion of manipulation will disappear on its own as we will come closer to an intelligent awakening, and loving cooperation with the divine Plan of expansion of the Living. We are not prohibited from intervening in the deep and intimate structures of any organism whatsoever, but we are expressly requested to do so only with a sense of the Sacred and in a spirit of participation in the momentum of Creation. It’s not even a question of morals but of basic common sense once you manage to gain some altitude.

 8- What do you think of the Elohim in relation to other extraterrestrial entities who, according to some, would say that they also want to help us?

DM: They are privileged ambassadors because they are closer to us than a large number of other visitors due to their physiological, emotional, and mental characteristics. Their history is generally quite close to ours within our galaxy. They too went through many tribulations before they found their point of equilibrium.

When they present themselves as our elder brothers, it not a symbolic or spiritual concept, but instead, the Elohim are actually involved with us and our growth process. When they present themselves as our elder brothers, that says a lot. They feel, in any case, a responsibility in the process of our development, as we can feel ourselves responsible for the children or adolescents that life has entrusted to us…and finally as we should feel responsible for the animals.

And then…just as we grow, thanks to their efforts and their attention, they also grow through us by the challenge that we constantly pose to them in our growth. This is also what makes the beauty of things. Whether we like it or not, we are linked, we evolve together.

 9- How do we situate them in relation to the celestial hierarchies, angels, archangels, seraphim, eons…?

DM: There is quite a difference, and this is what most of the people who are interested in them cannot easily understand.

Life in the universe develops through vibrational waves, a bit like inhales and exhales, therefore by rhythmic and cyclical movements.

Without going into complex metaphysical details which would take us too far here, I could say that the Elohim, who come to our help directly, come from the same “Wave of Creation” as we do. That is, to simplify it, they were emitted as life forms at the same, or nearly the same time, and in the same space as us. This is one of the major reasons for their proximity to us. Their essential specificities are similar to ours.

Regarding what we call the “Heavenly Hierarchies,” it is quite different. These come from several other Waves of Life prior to ours, knowing that a Wave of Life always generates several successive Waves of Creation. There is, for example, between the Angels and us, the same gap as between us and the animals. It is always, for example, also the same gap which exists between the Archangels and the Angels, etc….

This gives us an idea of the magnitude of the Movements of Expansion and retraction of the Living One, analogous to those of a Breathing of Life, which come from this immeasurable Source that we classically call God because it is inaccessible to our understanding.

Obviously, we are entering a realm that is inevitably metaphysical and where we can no longer even speak of time or space as we understand them. When we familiarize ourselves with all this, we naturally come to find that the Elohim are indeed very close to us and that our place in the universe should make us a much less self-centered species.

 10- It seems that respect for our free will is essential for the Elohim. What do you think?

DM: Yes, our free will is a fundamental given for the Elohim who come to our help. It is, in their eyes, the decisive ingredient which should allow us to mature in depth, even if this maturation requires incessant efforts and seems interminable compared to a certain cosmic "time."

It seems certain that all the beings of Space who visit us, or have visited us, do not necessarily have the same vision of things.

Thus, some believe that we have paused our general evolution, since everything is energetically connected and that, rather than being placed under a protectorate, it is under trusteeship that we should find ourselves. In fact, this latter opinion carries little weight since the emergence of the motor of free will in our Wave of Life is not the responsibility of anyone who lives and evolves in it.

Spiral Galaxy

We are all in an upward spiral, whose rules of the game do not belong to us, and about which we can say nothing because they are totally beyond us. I like to say that we are comparable to insects in front of a computer. Only the awareness of the need for Love as a universal solvent and the confidence in what lives in the depths of our being—in other words a solid spiritual process—can extract us from the vertigo of endless questions. The way out of the labyrinth is there, in the hollow of our chests, not in the cerebral approach to the question.

The cardiac path—or rather the one where the divine seed of the heart unites with the action of the higher mind—is precisely the path taken by these beings that we call the Ascended Masters—the great Liberated of whom the oldest speak. Such beings are obviously in close relation with the Elohim since they are their equals at the level of the opening of consciousness.

To my knowledge, our current collective behaviors constitute the main reason for the questioning they are faced with. Finding the best way to help us and get us moving is their challenge as well as ours. This challenge is even more delicate, as there are enormous differences in sensitivity and levels of consciousness between those who inhabit it on our planet. The human form of a body does not, in any way, guarantee the level of consciousness of the soul that resides there. This is clearly seen every day.

In reality, all the ingredients for a decisive leap are there, but the situation is no less explosive. The question that arises is therefore, in summary: "How to do as much good as possible while causing as little suffering as possible?"

 11- In several of your books, you talk about the relationship that would have existed between them and Jesus. Can you specify what, according to you, this relationship was?

DM: There has not been a great guide of our humanity who has not been in contact with the Elohim. All the sacred Texts of our world quite clearly allude to teaching Presences from Heaven. We do not know enough, or rather we prefer to ignore it. The Koran itself mentions them.

As for Christ in the person of Jesus, the Akashic Records show that all his life was marked by contact with them, from his younger years until his coming out of the tomb…and even afterwards. I am currently writing a book that will provide, among other things, information on this subject.

The bond that existed between him and them was obviously very close. A bond of collaboration, brotherhood, Service, and obviously, beyond all this, Love. It can be said that the Elohim watched closely over the way the crucifixion went, the entombment, and the regeneration of the body of the Master. Behind the human drama existed a sort of sacred “staging” in which they actively participated as early collaborators in Shamballa’s mission on Earth.

It should be understood that the life and role of an Avatar such as Jesus are cosmic in scope, and that in this sense they have energetic implications on a large number of worlds. Therefore, one cannot imagine that Star Ambassadors, as I like to call them, did not intervene.

Of course, such assertions shock circles that say they are "serious" about spirituality because they are unable to build bridges between worlds and they cut the Earth and its humanity from the context of a global evolution, which concerns not only our solar system, but our galaxy and more.

It is high time to learn to think differently and to stop making the earthly human the unique flagship of Creation. Can we imagine that there are other Christs…or other Buddhas in other worlds than ours? However, we will have to get used to this idea one day or another of our evolution and expand what some understand by "serious and credible spirituality." In short, it will be necessary that all the Churches and all the Traditions of the world move in depth. We are not the center of the Universe!

 12- What should we think of the claims that the Elohim are still intervening in our earthly history today?

DM: All those who consider this point openly and attentively do not even ask the question.

The intervention of the Elohim has never ceased and is not about to diminish. I would even say that it is to be expected to amplify exponentially in the near future.

South and Central America are extremely open to this reality. Chile, for example, is remarkable on this point. The phenomenon is so accepted by public opinion that no one would dream, for example, of running in any election if it was against the existence and frequent manifestations of Space Presences. Everywhere it is only ‘Luminosos’ in Heaven and their interventions among us. There are even numerous reports of physical contact. Our West, as we know, prefers to remain silent and it is obvious that there is, on the part of political leaders and the mainstream media, a total blackout, censorship, a systematic desire to negate and ridicule everything that touches on this. It’s only a matter of time though.

 13- To this day, they are still discreet. They speak to us through interposed channels. Why can't they, or won't they, “show themselves” to ordinary people?

DM: They remain discreet, but not as absent as we are led to believe. Their philosophy, which derives from a deep knowledge of earthly mentalities, is not to push a door that does not open. Until now, we have had too many mental locks to accept questioning everything about our conception of life, our place, our behavior, and our role in it.

The Elohim are perfectly aware of the total upheaval that we will experience in the balance of our societies as soon as they flagrantly and officially reveal their existence. They are much more aware than we are of the "domino effect" that their appearance will create on our religious, scientific, political, economic reference systems, etc. It is practically incalculable. This is the reason for this kind of slowness, discretion, caution that may seem excessive and discouraging to many of us.

No type of action on their part is therefore ideal, and nothing is "fixed" in their intervention plan. Their discretion is obviously the major argument of those who insist on denying their existence.

The Elohim are perfectly aware of this fact, but their wisdom sees much beyond our mere eagerness—or curiosity—to see them manifest. So, they do not have this eagerness to "want to prove" what they know. Their goal is not to tell us whatever their existence costs; rather, it is to help us get out of the multifaceted rut we have gotten into.

 14- You mentioned, in an interview, the date of 2033 as that of a "deadline" for the Earth. What can you tell us about it?

DM: First of all, this date should absolutely not be seen as a deadline! This is why the term of maturity is inappropriate. This is only a date around, or from which, the Elohim believe that most of the current mutation experienced by our humanity will have borne fruit to the point of initiating a new equilibrium. We should then be able to say to each other, for the first time in a long time, something like, “Here…it seems to us that it is starting to dawn….” It is nothing more than that, that our Friends above have wanted to suggest by advancing this information. Let's understand that it would be absurd to focus on seeing this like another 2012…where nothing tangible happened.

stones in ocean

We cannot say it enough, our future is in our hands…depending on what we do with our present. As for the help we receive, and will receive, it will be up to us to know what to do with it because we can receive the most precious of gifts and not quite realize its value. The awakening of our consciousness is therefore what we must work on tirelessly, avoiding getting lost in a whole series of mazes and pretexts. If we want to talk about a deadline for moving from within, it should always be the present moment.

Last encounter with the Elohims was in January 2021 (video in English below)

©Daniel Meurois 

Note: To avoid any ambiguity, Daniel Meurois wishes to clarify that the context in which he uses the term Elohim has absolutely nothing to do with that of a well-known Organization with which he has nothing in common and has no connection.


THE LAND OF THE SEVEN PLOW OXEN By Daniel Meurois - Part One


ELOHIM and US: An interview of Daniel Meurois for Sacrée Planète magazine Part 1