Welcome to Sacred Worlds Publishing

Our books by Daniel Meurois and Marie Johanne Croteau reveal timeless wisdom to awaken and empower your soul.

Karmic Diseases How to Recognize, Understand, and Overcome Them

Detecting and understanding disorders of karmic origin is a decisive factor in healing both body and soul.

The Great Book of
Essenian & Egyptian Therapies-2nd Ed.

Complete guide of the subtle anatomy with simple and well illustrated treatments.

The Way They Healed
From the Egyptians to the Essenians

An Approach to the Therapy: Understanding and Practicing Subtle-Energy Therapies.

Souls Who Leave Us
12 True Stories from the Afterlife

A testimonial book, rich in information and immense compassion.

The Legacy of the Three Marys
Three Women
Three Initiations

A story of Mary Salome, Mary Jacobe, and Mary Magdalene.

The Portal of the Elves
Memories from Elsewhere

A true tale of harmony and freedom between lifetimes and realms.