The Way They Healed
From the Egyptians to the Essenians
An Approach to the Therapy – Understanding and Practicing
By Daniel Meurois
We are just beginning to rediscover an essential truth today. The precious gift of health results from a subtle balance between the soul and the body. What are the laws of this harmony, and is it possible, therapist or not, to penetrate to the heart of its mysterious functioning?
Turning to the teachings and practices of the ancient Egyptians and Essenians, Daniel Meurois offers us in this book some important elements for comprehension and work.
The Way They Healed provides a real method for us to use to take decisive steps in the field of the subtle-energy therapies.
From the ancient therapeutic techniques to a different and luminous global vision of disease, this illustrated book full of anecdotes invites us to new horizons, particularly for those looking for a real and greater harmony in life.
What Readers Are Saying:
“For anyone interested in alternative medicine, very good introduction and good information. it is an introduction to the Great book of the Essenian and Egyptian therapies.”
— Olga
“I found this book to be very inspiring and informative, in tune with what I feel inside. I will experiment with the many exercises offered.”
— Clement
“This book is very interesting for those who have done research beforehand, it is, of course, not a book to read if the knowledge of care and of the Essene community is not glimpsed or acquired. Because the risk will be a misunderstanding and therefore a rejection of this book.On the other hand, for those who have medical knowledge, this book is a gold mine, you will discover a more humane way of treating a patient in his GLOBALITY !!! What is missing today ... And I am in the medical profession and I see that the author’s methods could greatly improve the doctor-patient relationship ... So his state of health. This author KNOWS what he is talking about, I practice these techniques myself, there is no doubt, with love, abnegation, listening, tolerance, Faith, etc. ..., we can obtain very good results. I therefore strongly recommend this book to those who want to brush up on our care techniques to give the patient his true place as a caregiver, also elsewhere, if not more ...”
— Helene