THERE ARE THINGS TO SAY! By Daniel Meurois and Marie Johanne Croteau
Dear friends and readers, we're becoming increasingly aware of how widely scattered people are on most social networks. They are interested in nothing but adversity and anger... in the ridicule, the obliviousness, the lack of discernment and intelligence. Disinformation and decadence are legion among them.
And now some fashionable "authors", offering revelations about ufology and galactic civilizations, are mocking Venus and expressing increasingly zany theories. However, the Earth is still under the protectorate of Venus, and certainly not that of Orion (which is rather dark). Indeed, whatever is pulling us down is becoming more and more "attractive"; it's very disturbing to observe, but so very revealing!
Talking about the Christ and the Sacred is not popular either... However, we're talking to you about it with Our "Friends from Above" the Elohim, and outside the dogmas of all religions, because Master-Avatar Jeshua (Sananda) is more present than ever with the whole Galactic Fraternity to help us through this pivotal period. Becoming aware of this would completely change the future of humanity and all its spiritual development.
However, as the saying goes, you can't play faster than the music, the music being the capacity of human consciousness to open up and move forward at its own pace.
Here we are, approaching the years 2030-2033, dates of the start of the reinitialization. A new beginning. And that's why various apocalypses are appearing... apocalypses meaning "revelations". Everything low-vibrational is in turmoil as we reach the end of the descent of the Great Cosmic Pendulum.
Of course, a new beginning presupposes a previous end, but we prefer to dwell on the notion of beginning and reinitializing. The end recalls negativity and suffering. This is not to say that there won't be great suffering as our world opens up. Already there is. A process of purification and destruction of old structures will inevitably take place. Obviously, we can expect many more dramatic events. This is the nature of things…and cyclical, too.
On the other hand, the word "reinitialization" refers to a new seeding of our humanity. What's interesting, then, is not what goes on before 2030-2033, but what comes after. What will we learn from all our experiences over the past centuries and millennia?
Our deep collective consciousness, with the thousands of lives we've had, has stored up an extremely large amount of information. We don't necessarily remember it, but we do have it within us. Will the great vibrational change we're witnessing—the Earth's changing vibrational rate is a scientific fact—allow deep, buried memories and know-how to resurface in a significant number of people? Will this create a rise towards a different kind of society? We hope so.
We're not saying it will happen overnight. It's the promise of a renewal for the years 2030-2033 that's interesting, not the announcement of some kind of end of the world. According to a great established truth, everything that is born is destined to die. So, in the history of mankind on earth, as in our own personal history, we can always expect to see some major adjustments.
Based on our own information, we believe there will be a major redistribution of the cards, with the powers in place likely to be turned upside down, and with people becoming much more aware of their choices. There's no denying that, as a living, conscious being, our planet probably needs a shake-up too, to enter a new phase in its evolution.
Who knows exactly what's going to happen? The Masters of Wisdom don't want to give precise information on the subject. To quote them in their own words: ‘Even we, the Ascended Masters, do not have the ultimate knowledge of what is going to happen. This is a matter of absolute Divine Will’. It's the same for our Friends, the Brothers of the Stars, who, right up to the last moment, won't know exactly how they're going to intervene.
Freedom is offered to everyone, right up to the last moment. It's all very complex. The planet itself has its own freedom. Just like us, she too is entitled to her reactions.
Our Brother Elohim help us to better live through the changes we're facing. The problem is that most humans believe we are the navel of the universe. We think it's impossible to eliminate our own species. Many believe in extraterrestrial or divine intervention, on the pretext that their species represents the best of life. It's completely untrue! The human species is not the pinnacle of evolution. It is merely a stage in the manifestation of universal life. If the ¨Divine Will¨ decides, for example, that one century from now only one third of humanity will remain on Earth, only one third will remain. This does not mean that Life with a capital V will be in danger. The man of the 21st century represents only a relatively minor stage in the development of Life. Our souls are not our bodies. Our bodies are not our souls. Our souls will continue to develop in one way or another. If not in this form, then in another.
Are we to think that a process similar to the coming of Christ two thousand years ago will happen again? We think it's to be expected. A planet functions like a human being. If a person's subtle bodies are invaded by parasitic thought-forms, their physical organism becomes ill. If the Earth's various astral and etheric layers and multiple auras are weighed down by noxious energies, including those of a large number of blocked and suffering human souls, the intervention of a Christ-like being will be necessary to initiate a purification similar to what took place two thousand years ago...
‘You see, there is no sadness in considering these events we speak of. When, from the point of view of our observation, we look at the mutations awaiting your humanity, we are not saddened. Sometimes we worry about how the gates will be passed, but this worry generates no sadness, because we can already see the Sun peeking out behind this narrow transition.
As for the very real pollution you are experiencing today, you should know that if it goes too far, our people are capable of eliminating it in a matter of hours... simply by knowing the extremely intimate mechanisms of Nature. But please don't think that you should lose interest in saving your world's nature. If you rely too much on our intervention, you'll obviously be carrying a burden that will stay with you for a long time.
Take responsibility, however small, and don't feel that your life mission is as insignificant as you think. Billions of daily insignificances make up the world! Whoever you are, plant seeds of joy in every moment of your life. You are the nourishment of this Sun and your only concern must be to increase it and widen the door of Consciousness so that its radiance becomes more and more sensitive! That says it all! ¨God¨ needs you. The Sun is no different from you. This is an absolute truth!’
Peace, peace and peace...
Brothers of the Stars, Elohim
© Daniel Meurois and Marie-Johanne Croteau, FB post in April 18, 2023 Québec.