In reply to Paula –
Hello Marie! I'm Paula. I was in the seminar you and Daniel did in Madrid in November 2018. For me, it was very interesting what you confirmed on many topics and things I had experienced this year. Thank you for your teachings.
The reason I am writing to you is because I have my mother with Alzheimer's disease, we have a caregiver with her 24 hours a day and she is being treated very well. My sister and I come to help the caregiver with mom every week and when we can. Our caring commitment to mom is good because we are loving people and we do everything with lots of love.
My question is the following:
My sister is not in the spiritual world, but she has a huge heart. I am on this path, and I would like to know what I can do to help my mother, now and when she leaves for the light. I was a little sad to hear you say that these people, when they go to the other side, fall asleep for a while. My mother has been a good person to others, and I would like to help. What can I do? Thank you...
Response to Paula:
Dear Paula, being in the spiritual world does not necessarily indicate being a heart-centered person. Spirituality does not give any certification of goodness and being kind-hearted.
No matter. Each person has his or her unique way, and your sister has a huge heart, as you say... Actually, she is perfectly capable of helping you in the end-of-life care for your mother. The heart is the most important!
You know what, Paula? What knows how to pray in us effectively... the heart. Not spirituality, which is often too much in a rigid mental mind-space!
I have written and testified on the Transition for Alzheimer's cases, dementia, violent deaths, suicides, etc... I also explained, as did Daniel, that we find ourselves on the other side of the Veil exactly as we were at the moment of our death (moment of passing). So, if a person is suffering from the disease of forgetfulness (Alzheimer), for example, since this is what concerns you, she will wake up on the other side, in this same state of forgetfulness. But she will come out of it!
I also specified that there were places of “recovery” on the other side for those souls in a state of oblivion, or shock from a violent death... Never is a soul ignored on the other side... NEVER! There is always a Lighted assistance that will arrive and help the soul to pass the stages of "re-connection" to the memory of his/her last life, a period of pacification and then of healing.
I understand that your mother's illness is surely a source of great suffering for you... perhaps greater than for your mother, who has lost "reality".
Your mother, when the time comes, will be helped by souls she has known and loved, who will welcome her and help her, and by guides and facilitators from the Beyond who will take her to spaces of healing and light.
It is necessary to understand that these spaces are not areas of suffering but of being "stationary" and "repaired". This parking space of the soul is beneficial... it will give your mother another life impulse, a surge of will towards transformation that will push her to break through the cocoon of oblivion in which she had ended her last life. Everything is experimentation to grow... to blossom.
The experimentation also takes place on the other side, in what we call the Beyond. The Beyond opens up a multitude of experiential spaces just like on Earth. Life in the Beyond is not passive, and even less static.
What to do? At the time of her death, or afterwards, speak softly to your mom and tell her about her memories... comfort her. You and your sister will find the RIGHT words... and you will be helped and... your mom will be welcomed by her family up there. Encourage her to fly higher... Set her free and do not fear for her. Do not hold her back so that she may find her light and her peace. No soul is left alone in the Afterlife.
All is experience...and healing. The soul after death continues to evolve, to learn, to be taught by different Guides of Light dedicated to this purpose...She is asleep...for a while.
Marie Johanne & her mother. © Marie Johanne Croteau
So, take good care of yourself and don't forget that you too have a path of understanding to make with your sister in parallel to your mother's illness. Your mother was a good person, as you say, and she will find back her health after a transitional stage. The healing of her end-of-life forgetfulness will come after her Transition.
You know, I sympathize with you, because my mom also had Alzheimer's... so I know it is immensely painful. But I also know that beyond the difficult experience, with a higher altitude view, there is a space of unconditional love that weaves between her and me. With her, I have perfected my Force to love even more... and, I know she is now totally happy in her own "paradise".