The Legacy of the Three Marys by Daniel Meurois Interview with Sacrée Planète Magazine Part One

The Legacy of the Three Marys by Daniel Meurois

Sacrée Planète Magazine had seventeen (17) questions for Daniel Meurois on his book The Legacy of the Three Marys released in September 2011 in its original (French) version. The English version is about to be publishing in this Fall (very soon).

 1_ How was the idea for this book born? Were you asked to write this one?

 Over the last few years, the more I consulted the Akashic Records, the more I realized that the number of female disciples gathered around Jesus Christ was significant, and was a phenomenon on its own, given the circumstances of that epoch. What always struck me additionally was that no canonical text has made any mention of it. Women’s presence in the Gospels is indeed very little, at least in prominent roles. Even Myriam—Mary Magdalen—makes only brief appearances, which in themselves do not justify the importance we give her today. Not much is said about Mary, the mother of Jesus, and as for Salome and Jacobe, officially present on the morning of the Resurrection, the texts are not very forthcoming about them. All this intrigued the point where I came to consider this near-silence significant. This is what initially made me want to know more. And then there was an unexpected encounter with the soul of one of these women disciples, that of Salome, renamed Mary Salome by the Church. This encounter was the determining element, the thread that led me to the writing of The Legacy of the Three Marys.

This soul offered me the opportunity to penetrate her memory to approach aspects of Christ's teaching that had not been revealed till now, aspects more related to his impact on feminine sensibility.

Camargue Sainte Marie de la Mer

 Needless to say, I immediately understood this as a call, well aware of the difficulty of the task. This immersion in the Akashic memory of Salome of course transported me 2000 years back to a precise point on the Mediterranean shores of Gaul, in the small lake-hamlet of the future Camargue which was to become the charming village that we call today "Les Saintes-Marie-de-la-Mer".

It was there that I was able to witness the sharing of memories that Jacobe, Salome, and Mary Magdalene offered each other, just before Mary Magdalene continued on her way to the grotto where she is reported to have ended her days, that of the Sainte Baume.

This sharing of memories constitutes the body of my book. So yes, I can say without hesitation that The Legacy of the Three Marys was intended. I was even requested to author this book with a particular sacred approach.

2_ Your way of reading the Akashic Record is now well known; you tell us here that your thread came from Salome. In this case, did you enter her consciousness, or were you an observer?

 When one penetrates the Akashic Memory of a being, whomever she may be, one necessarily invests her consciousness. One cannot simply be a spectator or observer of her memory. We see with our eyes, we perceive with all our senses and, consequently, we fully live what inhabits her. In a way, you become a bit of her while the experience lasts. It is really a communion of consciousness and therefore an acute perception at all levels. This explains, on the one hand, the profusion of details that I can provide throughout a story and, on the other, the intimate nature of certain aspects of the resulting testimony, as well as her sensitivity. This is why I like to insist on the sacred aspect of such an experience and the work of fidelity and respect that it implies.

In the case of Salome, a particularly sensitive soul, as also in the case of Jacobe and Myriam (Mary Magdalene), their common soul strength, their sufferings, their hopes, and their overcoming have been inconstantly mine for more than a year. I can say that they made me live to a very singular rhythm that has nothing to do with that of our time.

 3_ You say that the reunion of these three women and their evocations had a particular function. What was its nature?

Mary Salome & Mary Jacobe

 Their reunion had, first of all, a function that was personal to them–I would say simply human. When three people have lived through very intense events and been in daily contact with a being like Christ, it is obvious that they cannot but feel the need to gather their memories. The past years have given them perspective, strength, understanding, and undeniable wisdom. Each of them spontaneously felt the need to "empty" their soul of all that was secretly living in it... as if to sublimate a little more what they had received, and which kept their spirit alive and energized their love.

By gathering the most significant, the most beautiful, and also the most personal of their experience with the Master, it is undeniable that they entrusted all of this to the Divine Will so that it could be used to teach future generations.

 I really perceived that they had sometimes tasted what is called the Eternal Present–an understanding of Life that makes the soul transcend linear time and clearly see the Sun towards which it is heading. During the three nights of sharing, three nights in which their consciousness was stripped, they both gained altitude and became more embodied than ever. Their old wounds were rekindled- bringing us back to our own- but their most powerful heart force was further expanded until it inspired us today. In fact, Jacobe, Salome, and Mary Magdalene are speaking for "forever", in other words for the attainment of that Peace of Eternity to which we all aspire.

 4_ The three Marys of whom popular tradition speaks today at Sainte-Maries-de-la-Mer are Salome, Jacobe, and Sarah. You speak of Mary Magdalene, but you make a very brief allusion to Sarah, who was absent at the time of the meeting you witnessed. Can you shed some light on this?

Black Saint Sarah in Sainte Marie de La Mer

In light of my own experience, it seems certain that at the time of these events, Sarah stood on the fringe of the other female disciples. She probably did not play as important a role on this shore as the oral tradition attributes to her. It is important to know that long before the arrival of the first disciples of Christ, some inhabitants of the present-day Camargue territory worshipped what is today called a "black virgin". It was the heritage of a very old Egyptian colonization that was in congruence with the Celtic cult devoted to the "Great Mother Goddess". This black virgin represented Isis as the nourishing Mother, the raw material that receives the germ of life and the symbol par excellence of initiation. When Sarah, who was black, appeared among the other disciples, the color of her skin impressed some of the inhabitants of the region... so much so that, little by little, over the centuries, her memory was associated with the cult of the Egyptian deity.

 What the Akashic Records make clear is that Sarah had marginalized herself in her early years in southern Gaul. She had her own understanding of Christ, a more "magical" understanding because of her attraction to traditional African ritual practice. For once, I agree with the Church that she was dissociated from Salome and Jacobe in that she had a more shamanic than strictly Christ-like approach to the personality and teaching of Jesus.

The Legacy of the Three Marys – Three Women, Three Initiations, of a great wealth of teaching, touches on several points: the feminine, the couple relationship, Jesus’ way of teaching, the crucifixion, and the resurrection, and finally the journey of the soul and its incarnation.

The points of this interview will be released as:

The Feminine and the couple relationship in November 2022

Jesus’ way of teaching in December 2022

The crucifixion and the resurrection in January 2023

The journey of the soul and its incarnation in February 2023

© 2022 Daniel Meurois


The Legacy of the Three Marys by Daniel Meurois Interview with Sacrée Planète Magazine Part Two
